About me

Hello! I'm Joneil (She/Her). My journey began with a deep fascination for global cultures and languages, leading me to storytelling and human connections through media production. In the world of podcasts, I honed my skills in bringing clients' visions to life, blending my passion for narrative with technical expertise.

This foundation in storytelling sparked my interest in design, shifting my focus to crafting products that resonate on a deeper level. I’m grateful for my diverse background and interests that inform my passion for design, aiming to create experiences that bridge gaps, foster understanding, enhance communication, and create a social impact.

As a designer (and an ethnographer!), I'm excited to share my unique journey with you and to continue pushing the boundaries of design!

My values

Hold true to my purpose

Staying connected to the underlying purpose of my work keeps me anchored and directed. Embracing my purpose helps me overcome obstacles and maintain inspiration.

Stay curious

Curiosity fuels innovation and learning. I will continuously ask questions, explore new ideas, and seek out new experiences. This relentless pursuit of knowledge keeps my creativity vibrant and my solutions fresh.

Humanity first

Empathy and compassion are essential. I share my knowledge, strive to understand different perspectives, promote an inclusive and respectful culture, and remain true to myself and others.

Fun facts about me!

I enjoy trying new things and diving deep into the things I love.

Producing audio in a previous life…

Before transitioning to user experience design, I worked in the podcast industry for 3 years, contributing to 10+ shows. My role ranged from onboarding clients to producing, promoting, and maintaining podcasts.

I am a dancer.

I’ve been dancing since I was 6 years old. Over the years, I've continued to take classes and perform for audiences, with my journey taking me from small stages to the exhilarating experience of dancing for an artist at Lollapalooza. I also served in board as Creative Chair in my dance company for two years.

I made a film photo book.

Earlier in 2024, I created a 100 page photo book filled with analog film I had taken in the past year. It’s a book of beautiful memories from my time in my dance company. Flip through the PDF here!

I travel to eat.

I’m a foodie and I love taking pictures of my food. Whenever I visit a new area, I try to hit up as many yummy places as possible. You can follow my food Instagram or my restaurant reviews on the Beli app!

Family & friends = home

I call Chicago, Illinois my home, surrounded by my favorite people. My adventures in Beijing and Seoul, and 5 years in a dance company have shown me that home is not just a place, but wherever my people are.

Proud Filipina-American

I was born in Manilla, Philippines and raised in Illinois by two hard-working Filipino nurse parents. As I go through life, I aim to never forget where I come from and the lessons learned growing up. My first name is a merge of my parents’ names, Joseph and Neila.

Let's build something together.

© 2024 Joneil Escobar

Let's build something together.

Let's talk!


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© 2024 Joneil Escobar

Let's build something together.

Let's talk!


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© 2024 Joneil Escobar